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Parallel Lines

Divii automates the creation of Separation Agreements so you can streamline your practice and easily direct your clients to the resolution they need.

A Clear Path from
Separation to Agreement





Happy middle-aged woman and millennial african American man sit at office desk work on lap

Your clients want something different

Once your client decides to separate from their spouse and seek a new beginning, they turn to you for guidance and advice to negotiate a Separation Agreement.  In the era of Spotify, AirBnB, and Uber, they'll expect a modern experience that is quick and affordable.


It's a tall order, and lawyers need to deliver in order to stay competitive. Already, 59 percent of people going through a separation do not even hire a lawyer due to pre-conceived notions that a lawyer will not meet their needs.  Those clients that do hire a lawyer often report being disappointed with the experience.


With Divii Family Law Software you can streamline the process of drafting and finalizing a separation agreement using client-centered tools and automatically create an industry-approved agreement. Impress your clients and expand your practice by providing the service the modern client expects.​

Help your clients divii things up

Divii automates the process of creating, drafting and finalizing separation agreements.  Use Divii to run scenarios, consider options, and help your client visualize and understand the important decisions they make.  Divii makes it easy for you to guide your client through the choices of parenting, support and property distribution in a way that feels calm and clear to your client.  And once those decisions are made, with the click of button, Divii automatically drafts an accurate, high-quality, print-ready agreement. 


Every lawyer has their own systems and precedents, but it takes hours to find the right clauses and input the client specific information.  When you're cobbling together templates and clauses you are likely leaving things out and making mistakes.  The modern practitioner simply doesn't have the time spend on this clerical work and certainly can't risk having mistakes in the agreement.  


By delegating the repetitive, menial tasks to Divii, you're freed up to focus on real legal work and provide added value in your client's overall experience. Not only will you be saving hours on all of your files and feeling in control of your practice, but your clients will be impressed by your premium client-centered experience ... and they'll tell their friends.

Scroll through our features

Security you can trust

We know how important it is to hold your clients confidential information securely.  Divii uses advanced encryption to make sure your information is stored and transmitted securely.  Our servers are exclusively located in Canada to ensure that your client's documents remain subject to Canadian privacy laws. 

What Lawyers are Saying

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In an industry where revenues are based on the billable hour, automating the things you do repeatedly can mean opening up space to do the more important work.  Even small efficiencies compounded over time

can have big impact on your time and your bottom line.  


Use our interactive calculator to see how much time Divii can save

and see just how much that can increase the revenues in your practice.

Time is Money

Give it a Shot

We are confident that Divii will change your practice and return hours in your week to do the legal work you really enjoy. 


You can't afford not to try this modern appraoch to practicing family law!  That's why we offer the opportunity to try Divii with one of your files for 30 days - commitment free. 


You have nothing to lose and only bigger revenues to gain. 

Once you see the time you can save, we're certain you won't want to start another file without us.

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